Q&A della FAO: Pandemia di COVID-19 – impatto su agricoltura e alimentazione

La FAO prevede possibili perturbazioni dei sistemi agroalimentari mondiali e possibili interruzioni delle catene di approvvigionamento di alimenti, come spiegato in questa infografica. Anche in Italia si stanno levando voci che segnalano strozzature del sistema che potrebbero interferire sul funzionamento delle filiere alimentari.
La FAO propone una serie di misure preventive per evitare problemi di sicurezza di approvvigionamento di alimenti.
Q1: Will COVID-19 have negative impacts on global food security?
Q2: Whose food security and livelihoods are most at risk due to the pandemic?
Q3: What are the implications of the COVID-19 situation – now and in the future – for food production, agricultural and fishery/aquaculture supply chains and markets?
Q4: How will the pandemic affect food demand?
Q5: What is the pandemic’s impact on the global economy?
Q6: What are FAO’s recommendations to mitigate the risks of the pandemic on food security and nutrition?
Q7: What is the connection between COVID-19 and animals?
Q8: Are there any risks from interacting with animals or consuming animal products?
Q9: How has FAO responded to the COVID-19 outbreak?
Q10: What steps is FAO taking to protect its staff and to ensure that it will be able to continue to deliver on its mandate of fighting hunger?
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