Pre-announcement on PRIMA 2022 calls and publication of a draft version of the Annual Work Plan 2022

In view of the launch of the 2022 calls, PRIMA Secretariat is pleased to share a preliminary version of the Annual Work Plan, with information on the topics, rules for participation and budget for the upcoming call.
Please be informed that the document has not been approved yet by the European Commission, therefore the information contained therein is subject to change, and does not prejudge the final form of any future decision to be taken by PRIMA and by the Commission.
The final document and the calls for proposals are expected to be published by January 2022, after the formal approval process by the Commission is concluded.
Please also consider that the call calendar indicated in the document is provisional
More precise information on the call schedule (launch of the date of the calls and deadlines for submission) will be provided soon.DOWNLOAD THE AWP 2022 PRELIMINARY VERSION