Burkina Faso farmers call for return of bt cotton

Burkina Faso farmers call for return of bt cotton

Cotton farming in Burkina Faso is in a fast slump two years after the suspension of Bt cotton. This was reported by Burkinabé farmers during the launch of the ISAAA report on the Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2017 in Ouagadougou on September 11, 2018. Cotton has been the most important cash crop for Burkinabé farmers, with the country having been Africa’s number one cotton producer for 7 consecutive years between 2008 and 2015. It is hardly a coincidence that Bt cotton was commercially cultivated in Burkina Faso during the same period…

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Predica di san Giovanni Battista - Pieter Brueghel Il Vecchio
Predica di san Giovanni Battista – Pieter Brueghel Il Vecchio
Autore : Rassegna Stampa ISAAA.ORG

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